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two small problems (I hope)

Добавлено: 19 ноя 2020, 13:45
Hello to all
sorry my english (google)
I'm a new member and I have two things wrong, perhaps my fault.
1) when a player registers to the game, they are not sent a confirmation email. while all the mails of - transport - alliance - etc arrive normally.
2) the moderators and operators when they enter the admin panel they are told that they do not have the privileges, and as a menu they are only banned.

how can i fix?
thank you for your answers. :)

supernova version 45d1
Apache version 2.4.46
PHP version 7.3.21
MySQL version 10.3.25-MariaDB-log-cll-lve

Re: two small problems (I hope)

Добавлено: 19 ноя 2020, 23:52
1. There is NO confirmation email.
2. Yes. Operators and moderators have very limited ability because often opers/moders are an active players. So to limit their ability to peek on players or even change game data their ability is very limited. I think I can address this with payed custom module.

Re: two small problems (I hope)

Добавлено: 20 ноя 2020, 15:36
what purpose does it serve table / field account_email_verified?
but moderators and operators MUST NOT PLAY.
and then he is given limited powers.
type: email - missions - etc. :mrgreen:
thanks ;)

Re: two small problems (I hope)

Добавлено: 20 ноя 2020, 19:13
Unused field

If moderators/operators does not play - they really can't moderate anything because they don't know what to look for.