When starting to register to play the game (in English) it says to be ure you know the "Rules of the Game" which is a hyperlink to the forum posting explaining the rules. Only problem is, the post is in Russian! I find that actually hilarious myself.
При запуске зарегистрироваться, чтобы играть в игру (на английском языке) он говорит, чтобы быть уте вы знаете, "Правила игры", которая является гиперссылкой на форуме размещения объяснить правила. Единственная проблема в том, что пост на русском языке! Я считаю, что на самом деле веселый себя.
I'll do a translation in the next post and you can put that in the anouncements section. The text is the part that begins:
Я сделаю перевод в следующем посте, и вы можете положить, что в разделе anouncements. Текст является частью, которая начинается:
Личная почта админа
Post by Gorlum » 13 Jul 2009, 14:41
1. Личная почта админа - это не свалка. Не надо в неё кидать анекдоты, "прикольные" ссылки и прочее. Наказание - бан
2. Личная почта админа - не для личного общения. С кем я хочу пообщаться лично, тем даю аську. Наказание - предупреждение
3. Личная почта админа - не для вопросов об игре. Для этого есть огромный форум с кучей тем. Который я регулярно просматриваю и отвечаю по мере возможности. Наказание - от предупреждения до бана
Rules of the game links to Russian Posting / Правила игры ссылки на русский проводки
Модератор: Gorlum
Правила форума
Здесь обсуждаются ошибки сторонних серверов на движке СН. Для ошибок в текущей версии движка на серверах oGame.supernova.ws (aka ogame.triolan.com.ua), supernova.ws, beta.supernova.ws необходимо писать в соттветствующий форум.
Перед созданием поста необходимо проверить - есть ли такой баг на основных серверах СН. В частности - на тестовом. Для моделирования ситуации и за ресурсами для моделирования можно обратится к Администрации проекта (к Помощникам или Администратору).
Любое описание об ошибке должно содержать ЧЕТКОЕ описание проблемы. Четкое описание содержит:
а) Ваш ник и версия движка (можно посмотреть через пункт меню "Мировые константы").
б) Уникальный ID сервера - если ваш сервер зарегестрирован на Сервере Обновлений. Постить уникальный СЕКРЕТНЫЙ ключ НЕ НУЖНО!
в) Список проделанных действий
г) Результат, который ожидали получить (обычно ожидаемый результат от действия понятен из описаний на сервере)
д) Результат, который вы получили И в чем он отличается от ожидаемого
Сообщение об ошибке без ЧЕТКОГО описания игнорируется. Я не умею снимать порчу по фотографии и читать мысли по монитору. Правильно оформленный багрепорт поможет мне и другим участником сообщества СН помочь вам с проблемами.
Переде тем, как сообщать об ошибке, внимательно прочтите форум и форум багрепортов на официальных серверах. Возможно, об ошибке уже сообщили и ведутся работы по её исправлению. В этом случае добавьте свой пост в уже открытый тред.
Здесь обсуждаются ошибки сторонних серверов на движке СН. Для ошибок в текущей версии движка на серверах oGame.supernova.ws (aka ogame.triolan.com.ua), supernova.ws, beta.supernova.ws необходимо писать в соттветствующий форум.
Перед созданием поста необходимо проверить - есть ли такой баг на основных серверах СН. В частности - на тестовом. Для моделирования ситуации и за ресурсами для моделирования можно обратится к Администрации проекта (к Помощникам или Администратору).
Любое описание об ошибке должно содержать ЧЕТКОЕ описание проблемы. Четкое описание содержит:
а) Ваш ник и версия движка (можно посмотреть через пункт меню "Мировые константы").
б) Уникальный ID сервера - если ваш сервер зарегестрирован на Сервере Обновлений. Постить уникальный СЕКРЕТНЫЙ ключ НЕ НУЖНО!
в) Список проделанных действий
г) Результат, который ожидали получить (обычно ожидаемый результат от действия понятен из описаний на сервере)
д) Результат, который вы получили И в чем он отличается от ожидаемого
Сообщение об ошибке без ЧЕТКОГО описания игнорируется. Я не умею снимать порчу по фотографии и читать мысли по монитору. Правильно оформленный багрепорт поможет мне и другим участником сообщества СН помочь вам с проблемами.
Переде тем, как сообщать об ошибке, внимательно прочтите форум и форум багрепортов на официальных серверах. Возможно, об ошибке уже сообщили и ведутся работы по её исправлению. В этом случае добавьте свой пост в уже открытый тред.
Rules of the game
Rules of the game
Personal mail sent to admin:
1. It's not a dump. Do not throw jokes, "funny" references and so on. Punishment: ban
2. It's not for personal communication. When I want to talk to a person, I ask them. Punishment: warning
3. It's not for questions about the game. For this there is a huge forum with a bunch of themes. Which I regularly review and respond as far as possible. Punishment: ranges from warning to ban.
4. Tagging "REALLY!" in the personal mail of the admin - not for reports of "missing" 14k crystals. To do this, there is a special theme on the forum. Punishment: ranges from warning to ban.
5. Only for really urgent and really important messages. For example, a glitch has been found giving all players access to another alliance's chat. Or another glitch that threatens the integrity of the game.
6. "I don't have a background" - it's not "urgent," it's not "important" and doesn't threaten the integrity of the game. For such questions there is a special topic on the forum. Punishment: ranges from warning to ban.
Respect the work of cleaners and admins! Use the forum; in addition to the admin on the forum there are a large number of people who are able to answer your question. Use admin's personal email only on important issues. "Important" according to what I would think is important, not necessarily what you think is important.
P.S. I do not respond in personal mail to questions that need to be asked on the forum.
Professionalism is a requirement for the performance of certain conditions (norms of conduct) by all participants of the game. Non-compliance will result in punishment.
1. Creating and owning an account (player registration record)
1.1. When naming game objects (account name, alliances, planets, etc.) the choice of names and names of an offensive nature is prohibited. Absolutely forbidden mate and its substitutes (replacing individual letters with consonant or special symbols, abbreviations, etc.). Accounts found to have violated these rules can be deleted without warning.
When creating an account, the player is required to provide a real email address to which he has constant access. Accounts with fake, incorrect, non-existent or non-performing email addresses will be deleted without warning
1.3. The account is owned by the holder of a permanent email address listed on the profile. In questionable cases, the operator has the right to require the player to correspond only from this address.
1.4. All complaints or questions about a particular account are discussed only with the owner.
A violation of the rules of creation and ownership of an account is a serious violation.
2. Using an account
Only one person is allowed to play with one gaming account. The practice of several people using the same account (account-sharing), or using someone else's account are prohibited.
2.2. Since 01.03.2010, the management of multiple accounts in one universe (multi-company) is prohibited.
A breach of account rules is a critical violation.
3. Multiple players with one IP
3.1. Multi-player players with one IP in one universe (game club, internet provider, home or corporate network, etc.) are allowed to play
3.2. When playing with one IP, every player is required to notify the E.P. Registered Airline Administration. The address for notifications is available on the website
3.3. Ip address is the main, but not the only, account binding to the player. The game monitors the individual actions of all players, so do not try to deceive the Administration by engaging in multi-breeding with different IP
3.4. Account interactions with the same IP are prohibited. For example, such actions include: sharing resources, sending each other a fleet, joint participation in THE SABA
3.5. Extra attention from the administration will be focused on players with multiple IP addresses. In such situations, it is highly recommended to play in different universes, as the possibilities of playing together in one universe are limited by the system itself.
3.6. Violation of the rules of the game with one IP is a serious violation.
3.7. More than one player per device is banned. Violation is punishable by a ban.
4. Care for someone else's account
4.1. You can take care of someone else's account for a period of no more than 24 hours. It is allowed to give your account for supervision for no more than 24 hours.
4.2. When handing over an account for courtship, the player is required to notify the Administration by noting the tab of the Cortex forum in the Ward of the relevant server. There should also be a player who has taken the account into custody.
4.3. When caring for someone else's account, you are allowed to:
4.3.1. Send the fleet with tasks "Recycle," "Colonize," "Redeploy," "Transport." (The fleet with the task of "transporting" only to transport resources between the planets of the account)
4.3.2. Any launch and cancellation of buildings, research, defense and fleet
4.3.3. Putting your account on vacation (RO).
All other activities are prohibited when caring for someone else's account. The list of prohibited activities includes (but not limited to) the following:
4.4.1. Send fleets with spying, attack, joint attack, destroy, hold, expedition missions
4.4.2. Use interplanetary missiles
4.4.3. Use Sensory phalanx
4.4.4. Use Alliance Management, Leave the Current Alliance, Join the Alliance
4.4.5. Change your friends list
4.4.6. Exit RO
4.4.7. And so on
4.5. A caregiver is not allowed to stand up for the account he is looking after.
4.6. Care for someone else's account begins when the caregiver enters the account of the "host"
4.7. For all the time of caring for someone else's account, the caretaking player cannot change accounts.
At the same time, a player can only take care of one account.
4.9. After the expiration of the account, the account holder can not give the account for re-care, and is not allowed to look after someone's account for 7 days.
4.10. A player who has been looking after an account cannot keep an eye on this or another account, or give up his account for 7 days.
5. Keeping an account
5.1. The head of the Alliance has the right to "save" the accounts of his Alliance players, 1 every 10 days to log on to the accounts given to him for preservation.
5.2. Before depositing the account, the player must transfer the account to the RO and then notify the Administration by marking the Branch of the Cortex forum in the Ward of the relevant server. The head of the Alliance, who has taken the account for safekeeping, should also be noted there
5.3. There must also be marks from the player and the head of the Alliance when the account is returned from saving.
The head of the Alliance is not allowed to take any action on a stored account
6. Sharing and transferring accounts is prohibited. Any account found in the change of ownership will be permanently banned.
6.4. Players involved in the transfer or exchange of accounts are required to report this to the relevant sub-forum server on the forum Cortex.
7. Deactivation of IP verification.
Requests for reinstatement of an account with a disconnected IP check are not accepted.
7.2. Turning off IP verification is only possible when it is necessary to make the game go smoothly. It must be negotiated and approved by the Administration of the Relevant Universe. If ip checks are disabled by a player without the approval of the Administration, the Administration has the right to turn it on without warning.
8. Pumping
8.1. Pumping refers to all one-way transfers of resources from a weaker player on points to a stronger player (even within the alliance), as well as trading at a rate less than the officially permitted minimum and more than the officially permitted maximum. This also applies to attacks under the agreement, including for the appearance of fields of debris, the exception - attacks under the agreement to create the moon.
8.2. B controversial/questionable cases are decided by the Administration
8.3. Attempting to frame a superior player for pumping equates to pumping
8.4. Dark matter, which can be used to enable various extensions, is not a gaming resource in the usual sense. For this reason, the exchange of dark matter for game resources or services outside of built-in in-game mechanisms is against the rules of the game. Violation equates to buying resources for real money.
9. Creating the moon by agreement.
9.1. Attacks are allowed by agreement to create the moon.
9.2. When trying to form a moon by agreement, a higher player in the ranking should not make a profit. Compensation for deuterium costs is prohibited. Three days are given to transfer resources after attempts of lunar-making.
9.3. Violation equates to pumping.
10. Fleet Recovery Rules
10.1. A player who has lost his fleet is entitled to help with his partial recovery from players of any level.
10.2. The period of assistance is limited to 30 days from the moment of battle, the amount of assistance - no more than 50% of the cost of the lost fleet.
10.3. When the 50% limit is reached, lower-ranked players cannot assist in the restoration of the fleet.
10.4 The Administration should be notified of the beginning of the recovery with the provision of a fleet loss log. The player is required to provide the Administration with reports of assistance. The time between the reports should not exceed 5 days and should be negotiated with the Administration.
10.5 Recovery assistance does not apply to fleets lost in Destroy and Expedition missions
10.6. Violation of the rule equates to pumping.
11. Help in collecting the wreckage by recyclers.
11.1. The player has the right to rent out other players' refiners.
11.2. The renter must provide the Administration with a log of the fight within 72 hours of the fight; The names of the wreckage and the amount of resources they have collected; information about who, to whom and how many resources will be transferred.
11.3. After notification to the Administration, 72 hours are given to transfer the collected resources.
11.4. Violation equates to pumping.
12. Trade and yo.
12.1. Trade in resources and any in-game transactions for real money are prohibited.
Players are allowed to share resources. Only direct trade/sharing between players is allowed.
12.3. It is allowed to borrow resources, and the loan of resources at interest is prohibited. The maximum return of resources when trading and borrowing is 3 days.
12.4. Official maximum rate for trade/loan: metal: deuterium - 4:1; crystal : deuterium - 2:1; metal : crystal - 2:1.
12.5. Official minimum rate for trade/loan: metal: deuterium - 3.5:1; crystal : deuterium - 1.5:1; metal : crystal -1.5:1
12.6. It is forbidden to trade and borrow at a rate that violates these rules.
12.7. Violation equates to pumping.
12.8. Selling players any in-game resources for any non-game resources (money, WM, goods, services, etc.) is strictly prohibited. Violation of this paragraph is a critical violation.
13. Bashing
13.1.1. Bashing refers to more than 3 attacks/waves of one player per planet in a time span of 24 hours. The moon also falls under the bashing rule.
13.1.2. One wave is a maximum of three fleets that attack the target for a maximum of 30 minutes, i.e. three fleets in one minute are also one wave. The time between the waves does not play a role (i.e. all three waves can be sent one after another).
Attacks on inactive players are taken into account.
13.1.4 Attacks by Spy Probes and Missile Attacks are not taken into account.
13.1.5. The Death Star sent with the mission "Destroy" is considered for an attack.
13.2. Exclusion from bashing rules: war
13.2.1. The Bashing Rule does not apply to players from alliances waging war on each other. To declare war, you must leave a message on the Cortex forum of the relevant server, in which all parties must be named in the correct form. War can only be declared by the Alliance Alliance.
13.2.2. The bashing rule ceases to apply 12 hours after the declaration of war is published.
13.3. Compliance with the rules banning bashing enforcment is carried out by the internal system "Anti-basining"
14. Small Fleet Reconnaissance (RMF)
14.1. Reconnaissance by a small fleet is considered to be an attack by forces not comparable to the level of the player and which led to the loss of the battle by the attackers.
14.2. For example, for a novice player it will be an attack, for example, one light fighter. For a top player, it will be an attack, for example, by one battleship.
14.3. The installation of the ship in the hold and subsequent attack by its fleet IS ALSO considered by the RIFF.
14.4. I draw the players' attention to the repeated use of the word "For example." It is not possible to define the concept of "small fleet" accurately. In each case, the same number of ships may or may not be. Therefore, the decision (as well as the definition of the severity of the offence and the level of punishment) is left to the Discretion of the Administration.
14.5 A "single RMF" blocked by the built-in Anti-RMPH system is not punished. The symptom of the system is the message "The connection with the fleet is lost" for the attacker and "The fight ended in one round with the attacker's loss. RMF's Probable report for defender
14.6. Absolutely punishable by "joint RMF" - an attempt by two or more players to bypass the Anti-RMF system using other mechanisms of the game
15. Using bugs
15.1. Bugs and/or game programming errors are not allowed. The errors detected should be reported as soon as possible on the forum in the error section or to the Administrator privately: via e-mail or private messages on the forum
15.2 If there are no irreversible consequences when using the bug, the violation is punishable by a 7-day account lock.
15.3. If there were irreversible consequences when using the bug, then for violation of the indefinite blocking of the account OF NO RO and subsequent removal.
It is not possible to accurately describe such cases. The administration reserves the right to determine such cases at its discretion.
Some examples of such cases include:
15.5.1. Use of a bug that leads to a sab attack.
15.5.2. Ataki spy probes or the notoriously small number of fleets in front of the main fleet of the attacker.
15.5.3. Any espionage between 0 and 5 seconds before an attack by the main fleet.
15.5.4. Mass distribution of personal messages to the player before the attack (in order to cause a server lag).
15.6. If the defense's fleet enters the fray/dies, it is punishable by the indefinite blocking of all attacker accounts by THE FREE RO
15.7. Any withdrawal of the fleet, caught with a gap of 0-3 seconds (including withdrawal using any type of tasks, as well as withdrawal with the help of the gate) equates to interference in the game technique.
15.8. The withdrawal of a fleet caught with a gap of 4 or more seconds is considered legal and permitted if third-party programs/scripts are not used.
16. Interference in gaming equipment
16.1. Interference in gaming technology refers to the use of any third-party programs and mechanisms that give or can give an advantage in the game or leading to inflated traffic.
In particular, automatic and semi-automatic scripts that run requests to databases or operate game mechanisms are prohibited.
16.3. If more than one member of one alliance is found to interfere with gaming equipment, the operator has the right to block the entire alliance until the circumstances are clarified. So think about your colleagues before using bots and scripts.
16.4. Interference in game mechanics is considered a critical violation of the rules.
17. Communication between players
17.1. All of the following points refer to messages sent on any official channel in oGeim. These include in-game messages, an official forum and any others that may appear in the future.
17.2. Threats and extortion in real life.
17.2.1. Real-life threats include reports that unequivocally signal a threat to the life and/or health of the player or his family.
17.2.2. Extortion related to real life is also strictly prohibited.
17.2.3. If violated: locking the ACCOUNT WITHOUT RO and then deleting.
17.3. Insults
17.3.1. Insults are understood to be direct insults to a player or his family, as well as a mate in game messages.
17.3.2. The main language of the server is Russian. The use of languages other than server language is only allowed in the personal correspondence of players who are fluent in the language. In the event of a conflict, if no one on the server team can confirm the censorship of the saying in a non-core language- it is considered obscene with all the ensuing consequences17.3.3. Because of the variety of writing and linguistic methods, we do not provide a specific list of what can and cannot be said. The right to vote in deciding controversial points remains for the operator, so it is highly recommended not to take risks and communicate with each other culturally.
Discussion of religious and national aspects among players is prohibited.
17.4. Spam and Flood
17.4.1. Spam refers to messages that are advertising. Invitations to the alliance are not considered spam.
17.4.2. The flude refers to frequently repetitive messages that are not relevant to the topic of communication.
Advertising of third-party projects is a critical violation of the rules.
17.5 Prohibited materials.
17.5.1. The use of any material (text, graphics, links, account names, planets, alliances, etc.) that are offensive, contains pornography that discriminates on the basis of national, racial, religious or sexual characteristics that promote violence is punishable by the exclusion of Firedham.
The use of graphic images as logos of alliances that fall into the above categories, in the original or altered form, is also prohibited. If you are unsure of how your logo will be priced, then agree your decision with the operator of the relevant universe.
17.5.3. To begin with, the player receives a simple warning, but in the case of a relapse can be blocked at the discretion of the operator for at least 1 day without a RO.
17.6. Other things.
17.6.1. Any material related to politics, in particular related to relations between countries, is prohibited. Don't forget that we have representatives of many states
17.6.2. The use of translit is also highly undesirable.
17.6.3. To begin with, the player receives a simple warning, but in the case of a relapse can be blocked at the discretion of the operator for at least 1 day with the RO.
18. Communicating with team members
18.1 Team members include interns, cameramen, forum moderators, administration assistants, game and forum administrator, and project management.
18.2 Measures taken by one Operator in relation to the player can only be reversed by himself and/or by the SuperGrapher and/or the Game Administrator.
18.3. Lock
18.3.1. We make every effort to ensure that cases of violations of rights before the blockage are identified 100%, but cases of errors on the part of the operator or misunderstandings are not excluded. Players are not warned before blocking unless the opposite is provided by the relevant rule.
18.3.2. Owners of paid accounts are warned separately that payment provides only pre-arranged services and does not exempt from compliance with the rules and basic provisions of the game.
18.4.1. In cases where the player wishes to do any action on the part of the operator, the message must contain the relevant data (e.g., on questions regarding his account - the name of the account and the number of the universe, when the fleet is lost - the coordinates of the planets and the composition of the fleet, when bashing - the name of the attacker, etc.).
18.4.2. The message should have a headline that clearly defines the content of the message. Where the title is automatically displayed, you can't change it.
All communications must contain all previous correspondence, as the operator cannot keep in mind the contents of all the letters he receives.
18.4.4. Messages that do not meet these requirements will be considered secondary or will not be considered at all.
18.4.5. To the immediate exclusion from the game without discussion are messages to team members, which contain: attempts of deception or blackmail; attempts to circumvent fraudulently the decisions made by another member of the team.
18.5. Losses suffered by the player as a result of programming errors, operator errors, host or is provider failures, etc. are not recoverable.
In exceptional cases, recovery can be made and is decided by the project management.
19. Alliance Names
19.1. It often happens that users name new alliances based on existing names in other universes and the alliance of the original that has come into the new universe, with no choice but to change the name of the alliance.
Alliances are registered at the forum in the relevant sections and the following form: the name of the alliance; The short name of the alliance 3 founder's nickname (must match the nickname specified in the settings of the game account); alliance information (must match the data in the alliance settings).
19.3. If there are any issues related to the alliance's game data- the priority remains with the head, whose alliance was created earlier.
19.4. The chapter has the right to demand the renaming/dissolution of the alliance, the change of the content of the internal/external text representation of the alliance, the change/removal of the logos used, etc., only if such data has been entered into the registration form.
19.5 The difference of universes does not affect decision-making.
20. Different
20.1. Content (text, images, references, etc.) that violates general ethical and moral standards is prohibited.
20.2. Moral attitudes in the game are determined by the game administration. Any content can be censored, violators can be blocked. Any objections to the content are not taken, the decision of the game administration is final.
20.3. It is forbidden to use the nicknames of members of the administration, as well as nicknames similar to the nicknames of the server team to the degree of confusion. It is also forbidden to impersonate an administration official, threaten on behalf of the administration or try to perform the functions of the administration
These Rules can be updated or amended at any time without prior announcement.
20.5. Administration officials have the right to block any account, regardless of whether or not the rules have been violated.
20.6. The administration of the game has the right to block any of your accounts in case of your inappropriate behavior (at the discretion of the administration).
20.7. Any involvement in hacking and theft of other people's accounts is punishable by indefinite blocking of the accounts of the perpetrators.
20.8. Links to third-party game resources or related sites may not be published without prior explicit authorization from the Administration.
21. Penalties for violations of the rules
21.1. As punishments for violation of the rules, the Administration may apply various types of penalties: blocking with or without the RO, disabling the functions of access to general and alliance chat; delete your account, completely deny access to server resources.
21.2 Light violations are punished: the first violation - a warning from the Administration, the second - the blocking of the account for 3 days with the RO, the third - the blocking of the account for 2 weeks; the fourth is the indefinite blocking and subsequent deletion of the account.
21.3. Ordinary violations are punished: the first violation is the blocking of the account for 3 days with the RO; Re-blocking for 7 days with RO; third - indefinite blocking with RO and subsequent deletion of the account.
21.4. Serious violations are punished: the first violation is the blocking of the account for 1 week; The second is to lock your account for 2 weeks; third - indefinite blocking and subsequent deletion of the account.
Critical violations are punishable by indefinite blocking and subsequent removal.
21.6. All account deletions are permanent. All information is wiped from the base and cannot be restored. So before you break a point - think
21.7. Any violation of the rules that cause damage to a third-party player is punishable by indefinite account blocking and subsequent removal. Damage means: loss of fleet, resources, moon or defense of a third-party player and similar actions.
21.8. All accounts involved in the violation of the rules are punished. For example, in the case of violations of the rules of care or storage, both the guardian's account and the account issued in custody are blocked.
Penalties for violations of the rules are cited as guidelines. The administration reserves the right to change the penalty for any violation in accordance with the severity of the misconduct committed
21.10 Any discussion of the Administration's actions should be conducted privately in correspondence between the player and the Administration, unless such a discussion is explicitly authorized by the Administration. Public discussion of these Rules, Decisions and Actions of the Administration will be punished
21.11. I remind you that registering on a server means full consent and acceptance of these Rules. Accordingly, any statement of "ignorance" of the rules is a violation of the terms of use of this server and is punishable by a ban at the discretion of the Administration
22. How to file complaints/requests/suggestions for gameplay
22.1 All questions such as complaints about the gameplay, applications for improvement or change of game functionality, offers, indications on bugs etc. are accepted ONLY on the official forum of the game in the relevant theme section viewforum.php?f=4
All similar aspects submitted by the Gaming Administration in any other form (chat game, face, mail, Skype or aska.... yes, though postal pigeons) can be taken into account by the administration and nothing more.
22.2 All reports of players of any kind are purely informational in nature, and do not oblige the Administration of the game to take any action.
Personal mail sent to admin:
1. It's not a dump. Do not throw jokes, "funny" references and so on. Punishment: ban
2. It's not for personal communication. When I want to talk to a person, I ask them. Punishment: warning
3. It's not for questions about the game. For this there is a huge forum with a bunch of themes. Which I regularly review and respond as far as possible. Punishment: ranges from warning to ban.
4. Tagging "REALLY!" in the personal mail of the admin - not for reports of "missing" 14k crystals. To do this, there is a special theme on the forum. Punishment: ranges from warning to ban.
5. Only for really urgent and really important messages. For example, a glitch has been found giving all players access to another alliance's chat. Or another glitch that threatens the integrity of the game.
6. "I don't have a background" - it's not "urgent," it's not "important" and doesn't threaten the integrity of the game. For such questions there is a special topic on the forum. Punishment: ranges from warning to ban.
Respect the work of cleaners and admins! Use the forum; in addition to the admin on the forum there are a large number of people who are able to answer your question. Use admin's personal email only on important issues. "Important" according to what I would think is important, not necessarily what you think is important.
P.S. I do not respond in personal mail to questions that need to be asked on the forum.
Professionalism is a requirement for the performance of certain conditions (norms of conduct) by all participants of the game. Non-compliance will result in punishment.
1. Creating and owning an account (player registration record)
1.1. When naming game objects (account name, alliances, planets, etc.) the choice of names and names of an offensive nature is prohibited. Absolutely forbidden mate and its substitutes (replacing individual letters with consonant or special symbols, abbreviations, etc.). Accounts found to have violated these rules can be deleted without warning.
When creating an account, the player is required to provide a real email address to which he has constant access. Accounts with fake, incorrect, non-existent or non-performing email addresses will be deleted without warning
1.3. The account is owned by the holder of a permanent email address listed on the profile. In questionable cases, the operator has the right to require the player to correspond only from this address.
1.4. All complaints or questions about a particular account are discussed only with the owner.
A violation of the rules of creation and ownership of an account is a serious violation.
2. Using an account
Only one person is allowed to play with one gaming account. The practice of several people using the same account (account-sharing), or using someone else's account are prohibited.
2.2. Since 01.03.2010, the management of multiple accounts in one universe (multi-company) is prohibited.
A breach of account rules is a critical violation.
3. Multiple players with one IP
3.1. Multi-player players with one IP in one universe (game club, internet provider, home or corporate network, etc.) are allowed to play
3.2. When playing with one IP, every player is required to notify the E.P. Registered Airline Administration. The address for notifications is available on the website
3.3. Ip address is the main, but not the only, account binding to the player. The game monitors the individual actions of all players, so do not try to deceive the Administration by engaging in multi-breeding with different IP
3.4. Account interactions with the same IP are prohibited. For example, such actions include: sharing resources, sending each other a fleet, joint participation in THE SABA
3.5. Extra attention from the administration will be focused on players with multiple IP addresses. In such situations, it is highly recommended to play in different universes, as the possibilities of playing together in one universe are limited by the system itself.
3.6. Violation of the rules of the game with one IP is a serious violation.
3.7. More than one player per device is banned. Violation is punishable by a ban.
4. Care for someone else's account
4.1. You can take care of someone else's account for a period of no more than 24 hours. It is allowed to give your account for supervision for no more than 24 hours.
4.2. When handing over an account for courtship, the player is required to notify the Administration by noting the tab of the Cortex forum in the Ward of the relevant server. There should also be a player who has taken the account into custody.
4.3. When caring for someone else's account, you are allowed to:
4.3.1. Send the fleet with tasks "Recycle," "Colonize," "Redeploy," "Transport." (The fleet with the task of "transporting" only to transport resources between the planets of the account)
4.3.2. Any launch and cancellation of buildings, research, defense and fleet
4.3.3. Putting your account on vacation (RO).
All other activities are prohibited when caring for someone else's account. The list of prohibited activities includes (but not limited to) the following:
4.4.1. Send fleets with spying, attack, joint attack, destroy, hold, expedition missions
4.4.2. Use interplanetary missiles
4.4.3. Use Sensory phalanx
4.4.4. Use Alliance Management, Leave the Current Alliance, Join the Alliance
4.4.5. Change your friends list
4.4.6. Exit RO
4.4.7. And so on
4.5. A caregiver is not allowed to stand up for the account he is looking after.
4.6. Care for someone else's account begins when the caregiver enters the account of the "host"
4.7. For all the time of caring for someone else's account, the caretaking player cannot change accounts.
At the same time, a player can only take care of one account.
4.9. After the expiration of the account, the account holder can not give the account for re-care, and is not allowed to look after someone's account for 7 days.
4.10. A player who has been looking after an account cannot keep an eye on this or another account, or give up his account for 7 days.
5. Keeping an account
5.1. The head of the Alliance has the right to "save" the accounts of his Alliance players, 1 every 10 days to log on to the accounts given to him for preservation.
5.2. Before depositing the account, the player must transfer the account to the RO and then notify the Administration by marking the Branch of the Cortex forum in the Ward of the relevant server. The head of the Alliance, who has taken the account for safekeeping, should also be noted there
5.3. There must also be marks from the player and the head of the Alliance when the account is returned from saving.
The head of the Alliance is not allowed to take any action on a stored account
6. Sharing and transferring accounts is prohibited. Any account found in the change of ownership will be permanently banned.
6.4. Players involved in the transfer or exchange of accounts are required to report this to the relevant sub-forum server on the forum Cortex.
7. Deactivation of IP verification.
Requests for reinstatement of an account with a disconnected IP check are not accepted.
7.2. Turning off IP verification is only possible when it is necessary to make the game go smoothly. It must be negotiated and approved by the Administration of the Relevant Universe. If ip checks are disabled by a player without the approval of the Administration, the Administration has the right to turn it on without warning.
8. Pumping
8.1. Pumping refers to all one-way transfers of resources from a weaker player on points to a stronger player (even within the alliance), as well as trading at a rate less than the officially permitted minimum and more than the officially permitted maximum. This also applies to attacks under the agreement, including for the appearance of fields of debris, the exception - attacks under the agreement to create the moon.
8.2. B controversial/questionable cases are decided by the Administration
8.3. Attempting to frame a superior player for pumping equates to pumping
8.4. Dark matter, which can be used to enable various extensions, is not a gaming resource in the usual sense. For this reason, the exchange of dark matter for game resources or services outside of built-in in-game mechanisms is against the rules of the game. Violation equates to buying resources for real money.
9. Creating the moon by agreement.
9.1. Attacks are allowed by agreement to create the moon.
9.2. When trying to form a moon by agreement, a higher player in the ranking should not make a profit. Compensation for deuterium costs is prohibited. Three days are given to transfer resources after attempts of lunar-making.
9.3. Violation equates to pumping.
10. Fleet Recovery Rules
10.1. A player who has lost his fleet is entitled to help with his partial recovery from players of any level.
10.2. The period of assistance is limited to 30 days from the moment of battle, the amount of assistance - no more than 50% of the cost of the lost fleet.
10.3. When the 50% limit is reached, lower-ranked players cannot assist in the restoration of the fleet.
10.4 The Administration should be notified of the beginning of the recovery with the provision of a fleet loss log. The player is required to provide the Administration with reports of assistance. The time between the reports should not exceed 5 days and should be negotiated with the Administration.
10.5 Recovery assistance does not apply to fleets lost in Destroy and Expedition missions
10.6. Violation of the rule equates to pumping.
11. Help in collecting the wreckage by recyclers.
11.1. The player has the right to rent out other players' refiners.
11.2. The renter must provide the Administration with a log of the fight within 72 hours of the fight; The names of the wreckage and the amount of resources they have collected; information about who, to whom and how many resources will be transferred.
11.3. After notification to the Administration, 72 hours are given to transfer the collected resources.
11.4. Violation equates to pumping.
12. Trade and yo.
12.1. Trade in resources and any in-game transactions for real money are prohibited.
Players are allowed to share resources. Only direct trade/sharing between players is allowed.
12.3. It is allowed to borrow resources, and the loan of resources at interest is prohibited. The maximum return of resources when trading and borrowing is 3 days.
12.4. Official maximum rate for trade/loan: metal: deuterium - 4:1; crystal : deuterium - 2:1; metal : crystal - 2:1.
12.5. Official minimum rate for trade/loan: metal: deuterium - 3.5:1; crystal : deuterium - 1.5:1; metal : crystal -1.5:1
12.6. It is forbidden to trade and borrow at a rate that violates these rules.
12.7. Violation equates to pumping.
12.8. Selling players any in-game resources for any non-game resources (money, WM, goods, services, etc.) is strictly prohibited. Violation of this paragraph is a critical violation.
13. Bashing
13.1.1. Bashing refers to more than 3 attacks/waves of one player per planet in a time span of 24 hours. The moon also falls under the bashing rule.
13.1.2. One wave is a maximum of three fleets that attack the target for a maximum of 30 minutes, i.e. three fleets in one minute are also one wave. The time between the waves does not play a role (i.e. all three waves can be sent one after another).
Attacks on inactive players are taken into account.
13.1.4 Attacks by Spy Probes and Missile Attacks are not taken into account.
13.1.5. The Death Star sent with the mission "Destroy" is considered for an attack.
13.2. Exclusion from bashing rules: war
13.2.1. The Bashing Rule does not apply to players from alliances waging war on each other. To declare war, you must leave a message on the Cortex forum of the relevant server, in which all parties must be named in the correct form. War can only be declared by the Alliance Alliance.
13.2.2. The bashing rule ceases to apply 12 hours after the declaration of war is published.
13.3. Compliance with the rules banning bashing enforcment is carried out by the internal system "Anti-basining"
14. Small Fleet Reconnaissance (RMF)
14.1. Reconnaissance by a small fleet is considered to be an attack by forces not comparable to the level of the player and which led to the loss of the battle by the attackers.
14.2. For example, for a novice player it will be an attack, for example, one light fighter. For a top player, it will be an attack, for example, by one battleship.
14.3. The installation of the ship in the hold and subsequent attack by its fleet IS ALSO considered by the RIFF.
14.4. I draw the players' attention to the repeated use of the word "For example." It is not possible to define the concept of "small fleet" accurately. In each case, the same number of ships may or may not be. Therefore, the decision (as well as the definition of the severity of the offence and the level of punishment) is left to the Discretion of the Administration.
14.5 A "single RMF" blocked by the built-in Anti-RMPH system is not punished. The symptom of the system is the message "The connection with the fleet is lost" for the attacker and "The fight ended in one round with the attacker's loss. RMF's Probable report for defender
14.6. Absolutely punishable by "joint RMF" - an attempt by two or more players to bypass the Anti-RMF system using other mechanisms of the game
15. Using bugs
15.1. Bugs and/or game programming errors are not allowed. The errors detected should be reported as soon as possible on the forum in the error section or to the Administrator privately: via e-mail or private messages on the forum
15.2 If there are no irreversible consequences when using the bug, the violation is punishable by a 7-day account lock.
15.3. If there were irreversible consequences when using the bug, then for violation of the indefinite blocking of the account OF NO RO and subsequent removal.
It is not possible to accurately describe such cases. The administration reserves the right to determine such cases at its discretion.
Some examples of such cases include:
15.5.1. Use of a bug that leads to a sab attack.
15.5.2. Ataki spy probes or the notoriously small number of fleets in front of the main fleet of the attacker.
15.5.3. Any espionage between 0 and 5 seconds before an attack by the main fleet.
15.5.4. Mass distribution of personal messages to the player before the attack (in order to cause a server lag).
15.6. If the defense's fleet enters the fray/dies, it is punishable by the indefinite blocking of all attacker accounts by THE FREE RO
15.7. Any withdrawal of the fleet, caught with a gap of 0-3 seconds (including withdrawal using any type of tasks, as well as withdrawal with the help of the gate) equates to interference in the game technique.
15.8. The withdrawal of a fleet caught with a gap of 4 or more seconds is considered legal and permitted if third-party programs/scripts are not used.
16. Interference in gaming equipment
16.1. Interference in gaming technology refers to the use of any third-party programs and mechanisms that give or can give an advantage in the game or leading to inflated traffic.
In particular, automatic and semi-automatic scripts that run requests to databases or operate game mechanisms are prohibited.
16.3. If more than one member of one alliance is found to interfere with gaming equipment, the operator has the right to block the entire alliance until the circumstances are clarified. So think about your colleagues before using bots and scripts.
16.4. Interference in game mechanics is considered a critical violation of the rules.
17. Communication between players
17.1. All of the following points refer to messages sent on any official channel in oGeim. These include in-game messages, an official forum and any others that may appear in the future.
17.2. Threats and extortion in real life.
17.2.1. Real-life threats include reports that unequivocally signal a threat to the life and/or health of the player or his family.
17.2.2. Extortion related to real life is also strictly prohibited.
17.2.3. If violated: locking the ACCOUNT WITHOUT RO and then deleting.
17.3. Insults
17.3.1. Insults are understood to be direct insults to a player or his family, as well as a mate in game messages.
17.3.2. The main language of the server is Russian. The use of languages other than server language is only allowed in the personal correspondence of players who are fluent in the language. In the event of a conflict, if no one on the server team can confirm the censorship of the saying in a non-core language- it is considered obscene with all the ensuing consequences17.3.3. Because of the variety of writing and linguistic methods, we do not provide a specific list of what can and cannot be said. The right to vote in deciding controversial points remains for the operator, so it is highly recommended not to take risks and communicate with each other culturally.
Discussion of religious and national aspects among players is prohibited.
17.4. Spam and Flood
17.4.1. Spam refers to messages that are advertising. Invitations to the alliance are not considered spam.
17.4.2. The flude refers to frequently repetitive messages that are not relevant to the topic of communication.
Advertising of third-party projects is a critical violation of the rules.
17.5 Prohibited materials.
17.5.1. The use of any material (text, graphics, links, account names, planets, alliances, etc.) that are offensive, contains pornography that discriminates on the basis of national, racial, religious or sexual characteristics that promote violence is punishable by the exclusion of Firedham.
The use of graphic images as logos of alliances that fall into the above categories, in the original or altered form, is also prohibited. If you are unsure of how your logo will be priced, then agree your decision with the operator of the relevant universe.
17.5.3. To begin with, the player receives a simple warning, but in the case of a relapse can be blocked at the discretion of the operator for at least 1 day without a RO.
17.6. Other things.
17.6.1. Any material related to politics, in particular related to relations between countries, is prohibited. Don't forget that we have representatives of many states
17.6.2. The use of translit is also highly undesirable.
17.6.3. To begin with, the player receives a simple warning, but in the case of a relapse can be blocked at the discretion of the operator for at least 1 day with the RO.
18. Communicating with team members
18.1 Team members include interns, cameramen, forum moderators, administration assistants, game and forum administrator, and project management.
18.2 Measures taken by one Operator in relation to the player can only be reversed by himself and/or by the SuperGrapher and/or the Game Administrator.
18.3. Lock
18.3.1. We make every effort to ensure that cases of violations of rights before the blockage are identified 100%, but cases of errors on the part of the operator or misunderstandings are not excluded. Players are not warned before blocking unless the opposite is provided by the relevant rule.
18.3.2. Owners of paid accounts are warned separately that payment provides only pre-arranged services and does not exempt from compliance with the rules and basic provisions of the game.
18.4.1. In cases where the player wishes to do any action on the part of the operator, the message must contain the relevant data (e.g., on questions regarding his account - the name of the account and the number of the universe, when the fleet is lost - the coordinates of the planets and the composition of the fleet, when bashing - the name of the attacker, etc.).
18.4.2. The message should have a headline that clearly defines the content of the message. Where the title is automatically displayed, you can't change it.
All communications must contain all previous correspondence, as the operator cannot keep in mind the contents of all the letters he receives.
18.4.4. Messages that do not meet these requirements will be considered secondary or will not be considered at all.
18.4.5. To the immediate exclusion from the game without discussion are messages to team members, which contain: attempts of deception or blackmail; attempts to circumvent fraudulently the decisions made by another member of the team.
18.5. Losses suffered by the player as a result of programming errors, operator errors, host or is provider failures, etc. are not recoverable.
In exceptional cases, recovery can be made and is decided by the project management.
19. Alliance Names
19.1. It often happens that users name new alliances based on existing names in other universes and the alliance of the original that has come into the new universe, with no choice but to change the name of the alliance.
Alliances are registered at the forum in the relevant sections and the following form: the name of the alliance; The short name of the alliance 3 founder's nickname (must match the nickname specified in the settings of the game account); alliance information (must match the data in the alliance settings).
19.3. If there are any issues related to the alliance's game data- the priority remains with the head, whose alliance was created earlier.
19.4. The chapter has the right to demand the renaming/dissolution of the alliance, the change of the content of the internal/external text representation of the alliance, the change/removal of the logos used, etc., only if such data has been entered into the registration form.
19.5 The difference of universes does not affect decision-making.
20. Different
20.1. Content (text, images, references, etc.) that violates general ethical and moral standards is prohibited.
20.2. Moral attitudes in the game are determined by the game administration. Any content can be censored, violators can be blocked. Any objections to the content are not taken, the decision of the game administration is final.
20.3. It is forbidden to use the nicknames of members of the administration, as well as nicknames similar to the nicknames of the server team to the degree of confusion. It is also forbidden to impersonate an administration official, threaten on behalf of the administration or try to perform the functions of the administration
These Rules can be updated or amended at any time without prior announcement.
20.5. Administration officials have the right to block any account, regardless of whether or not the rules have been violated.
20.6. The administration of the game has the right to block any of your accounts in case of your inappropriate behavior (at the discretion of the administration).
20.7. Any involvement in hacking and theft of other people's accounts is punishable by indefinite blocking of the accounts of the perpetrators.
20.8. Links to third-party game resources or related sites may not be published without prior explicit authorization from the Administration.
21. Penalties for violations of the rules
21.1. As punishments for violation of the rules, the Administration may apply various types of penalties: blocking with or without the RO, disabling the functions of access to general and alliance chat; delete your account, completely deny access to server resources.
21.2 Light violations are punished: the first violation - a warning from the Administration, the second - the blocking of the account for 3 days with the RO, the third - the blocking of the account for 2 weeks; the fourth is the indefinite blocking and subsequent deletion of the account.
21.3. Ordinary violations are punished: the first violation is the blocking of the account for 3 days with the RO; Re-blocking for 7 days with RO; third - indefinite blocking with RO and subsequent deletion of the account.
21.4. Serious violations are punished: the first violation is the blocking of the account for 1 week; The second is to lock your account for 2 weeks; third - indefinite blocking and subsequent deletion of the account.
Critical violations are punishable by indefinite blocking and subsequent removal.
21.6. All account deletions are permanent. All information is wiped from the base and cannot be restored. So before you break a point - think
21.7. Any violation of the rules that cause damage to a third-party player is punishable by indefinite account blocking and subsequent removal. Damage means: loss of fleet, resources, moon or defense of a third-party player and similar actions.
21.8. All accounts involved in the violation of the rules are punished. For example, in the case of violations of the rules of care or storage, both the guardian's account and the account issued in custody are blocked.
Penalties for violations of the rules are cited as guidelines. The administration reserves the right to change the penalty for any violation in accordance with the severity of the misconduct committed
21.10 Any discussion of the Administration's actions should be conducted privately in correspondence between the player and the Administration, unless such a discussion is explicitly authorized by the Administration. Public discussion of these Rules, Decisions and Actions of the Administration will be punished
21.11. I remind you that registering on a server means full consent and acceptance of these Rules. Accordingly, any statement of "ignorance" of the rules is a violation of the terms of use of this server and is punishable by a ban at the discretion of the Administration
22. How to file complaints/requests/suggestions for gameplay
22.1 All questions such as complaints about the gameplay, applications for improvement or change of game functionality, offers, indications on bugs etc. are accepted ONLY on the official forum of the game in the relevant theme section viewforum.php?f=4
All similar aspects submitted by the Gaming Administration in any other form (chat game, face, mail, Skype or aska.... yes, though postal pigeons) can be taken into account by the administration and nothing more.
22.2 All reports of players of any kind are purely informational in nature, and do not oblige the Administration of the game to take any action.